Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Jan 8th - Poker

I was given some extra cash to play with and so i decided to play some very small stack MTT on FTP. The first one i chose to play was the 2 dollar rebuy. I rather big joke - but if you are solid enough and lucky enough to get past the donks you can do decent. Here is the result of tonights game.

All in all not a bad night - i screwed up in a couple of cash games - bought in at 2 tables with $4 in .05/.10 cent games and ended up busting in one, and losing $2 at the other. I ended the day with just over $250 in my account. ($150 profit).

Back to grinding out the small stakes tomorrow again - and also small MTT's. Good luck me. If i can get a place like this once a week - id be very happy.