Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 2: End

Okay - so my day was pretty interesting. I started off poorly and ended pretty solidly. As i have said previously, i knew that this would occur. I started off in a decent position after just one day at the table in 5/10 cent games. My bankroll sat at just over my initial buy in ($50) at $57.60. Over the course of the early sessions i lost a good chunk of change, reducing my bankroll to under $42. I fought back - and was able to end the day on a positive note...and a postive bankroll (after the early loses). My current bankroll sits at $57.20 for a net loss ofo $0.40 on the day. All in all not bad seeing as i took a hefty early beating.

On a side note, i played in a 50 FTP point MTT for a $26 MTT token. Out of 445 participants i ended up coming 16th (although i should have placed much higher if i did not have to leave for 25 minutes in the later stages and sit out). I made ONE bad play which cost me almost 3/4 of my stack and that made me have to make a move and 16th was the result. But still - coming 16th out of 445 participants showed that i am still improving my MTT game, largely in part to the reading i am doing (Harrington on Hold'em Vol 2).

Off to bed with only good thoughts in my head after a decent day of poker. If i can have days where i break even... a couple of loss days, and mostly positive winnings, i will eventually reach my goal of a sustainable bankroll at long last.

Keep up the work - slow and steady - Ferguson didn't turn $0 into $20k overnight - remember it took him over 9 month to break the $10 dollar mark - so I'm not expecting miracles overnight... ABC poker all the way

MIddle of Day 2

After about 2 hours of play today i have had 2 different sided sessions.

Session 1:
I started with the bankroll i had from the day before, at about $57.60 (or so). After a couple of rounds i was about even. (2 tables of 5/10cent play). I got into a nasty hand with AK, flopped top pair and guy called with open ended for 5 bucks and hit it on the river. NH sir. That was annoying, but i left and that was my session.
I ended the session with $42.94 in my roll, so a NET loss of just over $15.00.

Session 2:
I came back after being very upset with my previous play in session 1. I sat down with the mindset im playing 'abc poker' as twisted says. I did just that and was able to play my way to a nice little profit. Same as session 1, i was playing 2 tables 5/10 cent. I left with 14.80 and 11.50 respecively.
All in all i earned a profit of $6.30. This now makes my roll $48.55 (Just under my initial investment amount of $50).

This is fine with me, i knew i would have ups and downs, and todays downs were corrected after i noticed why my play was off... i seem to have fixed that now... so lets just play another small session tonight, and move on from there...

Good start overall - i sure would love to be at $500 bucks by now, but that just ISNT going to happen. One day at a time, one swing at a time, playing ABC poker and my roll will increase over time.

First day

My first day playing .05/.10cent games went surprisingly well. I played really relaxed and played a solid session (albeit a small session). I played for just over an hour and made a nice profit of $7.60. As my goal was about $5 a day if possible this was obviously very pleasing to me.

I posted my game stats on (thanks twisted for that link) and i think that site will help me in the long run.

Post day 1 results:
Bankroll: $57.60 (increase of 15.2%!)
Hours played: 1.25
$/Hour: $6.08/hr (would like to have a number ...for now... ranging between $5-7/hr)

All in all so far so good...but is only day one. One more month to go and hopefully I can post good news about a solid bankroll for once!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Donking off my bankroll yet again

Aight folks. I managed to DONK off my bankroll on FTP playing way higher stakes than i should have been playing. I made a little profit the other week so reposted some of that to start fresh again. After lots of banging my head against the wall i have decided im good to play again mentally. In thinking so - i have made a strategy that i intend to keep. I am playing .05/.10 games for at least 2 weeks (so long as i dont get beat and lose my 50 bankroll). I will post daily updates from my sessions and will try to keep my sessions recorded on

I will post something if i play a session tonight - and will do my best to get a couple of hours in a day during the coming week. I would like to make about a 10-15 dollar profit over the next week or so. Well see how that goes. Play slow - tight and get my roll built and maybe one day i can play .10/.25! lol.

Keep you posted

STAKES PLAYING: .05/.10c (if you see me playing otherwise, yell at me on MSN)
MAX MTT: 1% total bankroll buy in rule ($50 bakroll = $.50 buy in MAX - ie no MTT's yet)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Starting all over again?

After losing my minimal bankroll the other day - i decided okay one last time... i added $55 to my account and started to work my account back up. I played .25/.50 but mostly .10/.25 and got it to just over $100.

Long story short i was able to get my account to over $400 or so and cashed out my initial investment and some more ($250).

I played in a $10 rebuy on FTP. 527 entrants and i came 47th. I got $50 and come cents. I played pretty decent but my last hour of play was horrible. This is a part of my game i need to improve upon. I always seem to tighten up and I think the point to become aggressive is when there is only 50-80 people remaining. Because i didn't i was left with about 10-15k below the chip average and had to make a play, tried doing so with KQ os and got called down by JJ and i couldn't win another race.

Below are some links to hand i played- let me know if you notice some awful plays etc. I have added some comments from just after the hands occured of my own thoughts. Please - give me feedback so i can become a better MTT player.
AK suited early, preflop raise from solid player of 3x the BB, i JUST call, should i have RR here? Should i have folded to the bet on the flop, maybe RR?
UGH UGH UGH! (Can you tell this hand pissed me off? lol)

beginning of my downfall? misplayed? should RR here?

and so it was.... lol. I put 30 into the tourny - and only made 20 profit. I was right up there in chips for the majority of the game, but my game just isnt meant for large stack/large blind play. This is a part of my game i have to improve upon if i am to become a better MTT player. I know im good enough to get to the low end of money in the majority of the MTT's i play - but getting to the final 9-18 always seems to evade me... once again - any ideas/suggestions/books to read/sites to visit/ that you think would help, please let me know.

All in all a solid day at the tables, netting myself at LEAST 200 profit (from my cash out) leaving me with $320 in my account.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

1 hour session

After a short 1 hour session before class i started with $16.70 and left with $24.42.

Small profit of $7.72. But for the small limit and my small roll, i cannot complain. If i make 7-10 dollars a day for the next couple of weeks ill be more than happy! lol!

1st Step

Aight. This is going to be interesting. I have limited funds to play with (a monthly amount added to my accoutn via rakeback - usually less than 10 due to limits played). I started off yesterday with 4.97 from last months rake (i played under the wrong name - should of had more than this!) and i was able to get this to just over 16 dollars. I was playing .05/.10 NL games then moved to .10/.25 when i had over 5 dollars.

My goal for this next week is to stick with the low stakes (.10/.25). The goal is to make about 5-10 dollars a sitting for a week. This should add up slowly over the week to just under 100$. Once there, i might take up 2 tables instead of just one... but STILL at .10/25 NL tables. I do not plan on moving up inless i get over lets say $500 or so.

I was told that some of the 2$ SNG 180 player tournaments on FTP are real easy money so i might try my luck in one or two of those. Until i have a solid roll going i will not play ANY MTT tournaments.

October 11th - October 18th
Start: $4.97
End Goal: $80-100
Stakes: .10/.25 NL 9 seater / 2.25 MTT/SNG

Ill post again every day on my earnings/loses... and any hands that i thought were horrible or well played for review.