Sunday, October 28, 2007

Donking off my bankroll yet again

Aight folks. I managed to DONK off my bankroll on FTP playing way higher stakes than i should have been playing. I made a little profit the other week so reposted some of that to start fresh again. After lots of banging my head against the wall i have decided im good to play again mentally. In thinking so - i have made a strategy that i intend to keep. I am playing .05/.10 games for at least 2 weeks (so long as i dont get beat and lose my 50 bankroll). I will post daily updates from my sessions and will try to keep my sessions recorded on

I will post something if i play a session tonight - and will do my best to get a couple of hours in a day during the coming week. I would like to make about a 10-15 dollar profit over the next week or so. Well see how that goes. Play slow - tight and get my roll built and maybe one day i can play .10/.25! lol.

Keep you posted

STAKES PLAYING: .05/.10c (if you see me playing otherwise, yell at me on MSN)
MAX MTT: 1% total bankroll buy in rule ($50 bakroll = $.50 buy in MAX - ie no MTT's yet)

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