Thursday, October 11, 2007

1st Step

Aight. This is going to be interesting. I have limited funds to play with (a monthly amount added to my accoutn via rakeback - usually less than 10 due to limits played). I started off yesterday with 4.97 from last months rake (i played under the wrong name - should of had more than this!) and i was able to get this to just over 16 dollars. I was playing .05/.10 NL games then moved to .10/.25 when i had over 5 dollars.

My goal for this next week is to stick with the low stakes (.10/.25). The goal is to make about 5-10 dollars a sitting for a week. This should add up slowly over the week to just under 100$. Once there, i might take up 2 tables instead of just one... but STILL at .10/25 NL tables. I do not plan on moving up inless i get over lets say $500 or so.

I was told that some of the 2$ SNG 180 player tournaments on FTP are real easy money so i might try my luck in one or two of those. Until i have a solid roll going i will not play ANY MTT tournaments.

October 11th - October 18th
Start: $4.97
End Goal: $80-100
Stakes: .10/.25 NL 9 seater / 2.25 MTT/SNG

Ill post again every day on my earnings/loses... and any hands that i thought were horrible or well played for review.

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