Monday, October 15, 2007

Starting all over again?

After losing my minimal bankroll the other day - i decided okay one last time... i added $55 to my account and started to work my account back up. I played .25/.50 but mostly .10/.25 and got it to just over $100.

Long story short i was able to get my account to over $400 or so and cashed out my initial investment and some more ($250).

I played in a $10 rebuy on FTP. 527 entrants and i came 47th. I got $50 and come cents. I played pretty decent but my last hour of play was horrible. This is a part of my game i need to improve upon. I always seem to tighten up and I think the point to become aggressive is when there is only 50-80 people remaining. Because i didn't i was left with about 10-15k below the chip average and had to make a play, tried doing so with KQ os and got called down by JJ and i couldn't win another race.

Below are some links to hand i played- let me know if you notice some awful plays etc. I have added some comments from just after the hands occured of my own thoughts. Please - give me feedback so i can become a better MTT player.
AK suited early, preflop raise from solid player of 3x the BB, i JUST call, should i have RR here? Should i have folded to the bet on the flop, maybe RR?
UGH UGH UGH! (Can you tell this hand pissed me off? lol)

beginning of my downfall? misplayed? should RR here?

and so it was.... lol. I put 30 into the tourny - and only made 20 profit. I was right up there in chips for the majority of the game, but my game just isnt meant for large stack/large blind play. This is a part of my game i have to improve upon if i am to become a better MTT player. I know im good enough to get to the low end of money in the majority of the MTT's i play - but getting to the final 9-18 always seems to evade me... once again - any ideas/suggestions/books to read/sites to visit/ that you think would help, please let me know.

All in all a solid day at the tables, netting myself at LEAST 200 profit (from my cash out) leaving me with $320 in my account.

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