Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 2: End

Okay - so my day was pretty interesting. I started off poorly and ended pretty solidly. As i have said previously, i knew that this would occur. I started off in a decent position after just one day at the table in 5/10 cent games. My bankroll sat at just over my initial buy in ($50) at $57.60. Over the course of the early sessions i lost a good chunk of change, reducing my bankroll to under $42. I fought back - and was able to end the day on a positive note...and a postive bankroll (after the early loses). My current bankroll sits at $57.20 for a net loss ofo $0.40 on the day. All in all not bad seeing as i took a hefty early beating.

On a side note, i played in a 50 FTP point MTT for a $26 MTT token. Out of 445 participants i ended up coming 16th (although i should have placed much higher if i did not have to leave for 25 minutes in the later stages and sit out). I made ONE bad play which cost me almost 3/4 of my stack and that made me have to make a move and 16th was the result. But still - coming 16th out of 445 participants showed that i am still improving my MTT game, largely in part to the reading i am doing (Harrington on Hold'em Vol 2).

Off to bed with only good thoughts in my head after a decent day of poker. If i can have days where i break even... a couple of loss days, and mostly positive winnings, i will eventually reach my goal of a sustainable bankroll at long last.

Keep up the work - slow and steady - Ferguson didn't turn $0 into $20k overnight - remember it took him over 9 month to break the $10 dollar mark - so I'm not expecting miracles overnight... ABC poker all the way

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